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Cemetery Map: Quick View

Rolla Cemetery


The Rolla Cemetery is located at the corner of Highway 72 and Rolla Street. The cemetery is open to the public from 7 am to dusk, daily. There will be no admittance to the Rolla cemetery grounds outside of these hours without the permission of the Parks Director. Violators will be prosecuted for trespassing.


Office Hours

The cemetery shop office, located in the Rolla Cemetery, is open only upon request.  These requests and all correspondence will be handled at 901 North Elm Street. The phone number is

(573) 426-6901. Office hours are Monday through Friday,

8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m..; except for legal holidays.


The mailing address is P.O. Box 979, Rolla, Mo. 65402. E-mail inquiries may be directed to

For burial permit fee assessment purposes, the following hours and days are defined below.



Plot and Burial fees are set by City Ordinance.


A: Regular city weekday burial

A burial that takes place on a regular city weekday - Monday through Friday - between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 3:30 p.m.  Any grave not closed before 3:30 p.m. will pay a burial fee determined by the management not to exceed the weekend burial rate. If any staff members are needed to act as pallbearers an additional charge of $75 per person will be administered.


B: Weekend burial

A burial that takes place on a Saturday or Sunday that does not contain or is not adjacent to a legal city holiday


C: Holiday or holiday weekend burial

A burial that takes place on a legal city holiday or on a weekend that contains or is adjacent to a legal city holiday. The following is a list of legal city holidays:

  • New Year's Day

  • Martin Luther King Day

  • President's Day

  • Memorial Day

  • Independence Day

  • Labor Day

  • Columbus Day

  • Veterans Day

  • Thanksgiving Day (and the Friday after)

  • Christmas Eve and Christmas Day (No burials will be made December 24 or 25)


Rules and Regulations

Cemetery Rules Booklet (PDF)

All cemetery and burial rules and regulations are regulated by City Ordinance, Chapter 7.


Removal Dates

Any fencing, all solar lights, funeral designs and floral pieces will be removed as soon as they become unsightly. Any decorations on the ground and not on the monument, will also be removed.

Formal cemetery pickup will be done four (4) times a year: 

  • The last full week of February

  • The last full week of April

  • The last full week of July

  • The last full week of October

Employees will decline to attempt finding them after so removed and the City of Rolla has no responsibility to return such items.


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